Quality and Environment Policy
AMBITION : We aim to be a leader in automotive surface treatment solutions by:
- being recognized as a qualitative, innova tive , competitive and sustainable business p a rtner,
- contributing actively to CO2 emission reduction and environment c are,
- developing people, anchoring skills to ensure a flawless high pace growth.
MISSION : Our mission is to :
-create and offer high quality and innovative services, complying with legal constraints and Customers' requirements.
-ensure that Management Systems in Electropoli Group have been -designed to keep continuous improvement and to be complied with world automotive standard IA TF 16949 as well as ISO 1400 l . Our Policy is additionally enhanced by Electropoli Group Code of Ethics.
COMMITMENTS: We are fully engaged on the following items on which we bring the utmost care:
- products of highest quality and with economically optimal pric e s,
accomplishment of orders according to terms and conditions of contracts ,
- compliance of services and processes realization with legal and Customer's requirements,
- profitable production as an essential obligation for the satisfaction of customers, its staff and its shareholders
- Constructive and pro-active relationships with present and potential customers.
- real time supervision of machines and installations to minimize gas and dusts emission , taking care of right sewage management,
sustainable environmental security for all Electropoli Group partners,
- promote of reuse, recycling and recovery of waste rather than destruction or b urial,
- ensure compliance with laws, regulations and other requirements of our stakeholders,
- application of procedures and compliance with the rules to guarantee the safety of Electropoli Group employees as well as of their visitors.
- steady employees professional qualifications improvement through Quality and Environment trainings,
- steady improvement of employees satisfaction for better work results ,
continuous improvement of company culture,
- strong support and trust from leading workers,
- motivation to secure employees loyalty for c omp any .
- using only state of the art tec hnologies,
- research and implementation of new organizational and technical solutions in order to raise services q uality , decrease their negative impact on environment, optimize costs and efficiency,
- effective using of tools and methods to permanently improve all company activities,
Optimal automatization to ensure processes stability and efficiency,
risk management as a base for danger impact prevention and chance for improvements.